Amalgam Separator


Amalgam Separator

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Amalgam Separator

Federal regulations for dental recycling North America now require a full amalgam waste management program in dental offices that includes an amalgam separator for collection at the water level, and a solution for proper dental recycling of scrap amalgam (teeth with amalgam fillings, etc.).

PureWay’s dental clinical waste disposal compliance program simplifies regulatory compliance for dentists, utilizing the newest technology and most efficient methods for properly collecting and transporting and for dental recycling North America

Dental Clinical Waste Disposal –
Scrap Amalgam Recycling

Dental Recycling in North America is centered around amalgam recycling. An Amalgam Separator removes items that flow through dental waste water, but in order to recycle dental scrap amalgam you need a PureWay Amalgam Waste Recycling system. Use this to properly dispose of chairside traps, sterilized teeth with amalgam fillings and more.

Amalgam Separator

Amalgam Separator

Amalgam Separator

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