Aoralscan 3 Wireless


Aoralscan 3 Wireless

  • Fast and Stable
  • Long-lasting Battery Life
  • Next-level Software Functions

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Aoralscan 3 Wireless Intraoral Scanner

Unboxing VideoUp to 22 mm Deep Scan Depth 

Aoralscan 3 Wireless Intraoral Scanner
Practical Demonstration

Long-lasting Battery Life

  • 10 days under sleep mode.
  • One case scanning time: 2min*
  • (Maxillary + mandibular + occlusion)
  • Performance may vary according to diferent situation.
  • 1 charge can be utilized for up to 60 cases.

Equipped with 3 batteries and a charging hub for non-stop scanning

  • When finished scanning, you can put the Aoralscan 3 Wireless back onto the cradle to charge.
  • A wired scan option is included as well.
  • The scanner can adapt to multiple cradles. Pick up the device and switch between multiple chairs.

Motion Sensing

Less Contact, Much Safer

Dentists can scan with minimal contact with the computer, ensuring a safe and efficient scan experience.

AI Scan

Speed Up The Scan

Automatically identifies and filters out unnecessary soft tissue data during scanning resulting in a quicker and cleaner scan process.

Refined Scan

Refines the restoration area to help obtain clear margin data and more detailed surface data.

Metal Scan

Enhanced scanning algorithm for a better metal tooth scanning experience and data rendering.

Clinical Toolkit

The clinical toolkit assists dentists to evaluate and pre-design the scanned data in their own clinic.

It facilitates effective communication with dental labs to deliver quality dental work with high efficiency.

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Undercut Check

During the scanning process, the undercut value can be displayed for easy judgment by the dentist..

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Margin Line Auto Extraction

Allows quick identification of margin lines, which helps communication between dentist and technician.

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Bite Check

Ensures accurate occlusal relation ship for subsequent applications.

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The Aoralscan 3 intraoral scanner can be applied for clinical indications range spans general restorations, implants and orthodontics. Whether through same-day chairside restorations or clinic-dental lab integrated treatments, it always provides a state-of-the-art user experience.

Aoralscan 3 Wireless

Aoralscan 3 Wireless

Aoralscan 3 Wireless

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